The cat care industry is in need of cat sitters! They're needed especially in the South Shore area and parts of South coast and including Carver, Middleboro, Taunton, Duxbury, Pembroke, Wareham. I personally receive requests for care from as far as Lexington, Needham and Framingham and Cape Cod as well. Now is the Purrfect time to start your business and begin taking care of cats.
True cat parents are looking for Professional Cat Sitters (Not Hobbyists) who offer 'High Quality Cat Care Services' and 'Exceptional Customer Service' - and they're willing to pay for this service for the right providers.
They're looking for providers with the Purr View.
By the time you finish you should feel confident about moving ahead and taking that first step toward starting your new business.
Registration is $59 and you have access to the cat community!
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